Study of Biomedical Sciences at Royal Holloway, University of London
2012 Bachelor of Science Degree obtained
Graduate study of biomedical sciences at St George’s medical school, University of…
Certificate Standard ISO 9001:2015 Certificate Registr. No. 01 100 1300834 Certificate Holder: MVZ Fertility Center Hamburg GmbH Speersort 4 20095 Hamburg Germany Scope: Processes in…
QuaDeGAGmbH Qualitätskontrolle der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Andrologie QuaDeGA im CeRA Domagkstr. 11 D-48149 Münster QuaDeGA GmbH 1057 MVZ Fertility Center Hamburg Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang…
Registration form Basic information (Please fill out in block letters) 1. Appointment confirmation I hereby confirm the appointment date: time: with: Date: ___________________ Signature:…
Medical history of woman Page 1 of 5 Date first appointment: Doctor: Referral doctor: Please fill in the following fields or check the relevant fields. If any questions are not clear, please put…
Birth Report (please tick as appropriate) Dr. R. Fischer Dr. T. Lindig Therapy: IVF Dr. K. Löbbecke T. Meyer ICSI TESE Cryo-thaw-cycle Dr. H. Boppert Insemination Ovar. stimulation PBD PGD …
Registration form Basic information (Please fill out in block letters) 1. Appointment confirmation I hereby confirm the appointment on: at: with: Prof. Dr. W. Schulze Date: ___________________…
FERTILITY CENTER HAMBURG To MVZ Fertility Center Hamburg GmbH z.Hd. Cryo Administrator Speersort 4 20095 Hamburg Request to discard cryo-preserved testicular biopsies/ cryo sperm/unfertilized…
FERTILITY CENTER HAMBURG To MVZ Fertility Center Hamburg GmbH z.Hd. Cryo Administrator Speersort 4 20095 Hamburg Request to discard PN stages/embryos/donor sperm (please mark as applicable) …