If a couple remains unable to have a baby as the sperm, otherwise capable of fertilising, do not travel from the vagina to the uterus, targeted transfer - insemination - can often bring about the desired result.
For this, the semen is first washed and filtered using a specific process. A special catheter is then used to flush as many fertile sperm as possible directly into the uterine cavity (intrauterine insemination). This is of great benefit in the case of a “transport problem”, for example inadequate cervical mucus formation or limited sperm motility.
Insemination effectively reduces the distance the sperm have to travel. The chances of success are good, even with limited sperm count or motility.
Depending on the individual case, insemination may be combined with hormonal stimulation of the ovaries. This can significantly increase therapy success, but carries the risk - albeit rare - of overstimulation or multiple pregnancy. Insemination always takes place on the day of ovulation. It only lasts a few minutes and is painless - comparable to having a smear.